Home > Assistive Technologies

Diagnoses such as cerebral palsy and ALS mean that a person’s motor functions are impaired. At the same time, many of these people have preserved cognitive abilities and under the appropriate conditions they could be trained and developed fully.

Modern technology development allows people with motor function difficulties to use computers, write, paint and communicate with everyone.

The most famous example of this is Stephen Hawking. Although paralyzed, with the help of a special device he could use a computer, write and work on his scientific theories which ultimately changed the world.
In Bulgaria, however, this sounds like a fairy tale since such devices are totally unknown.

Some assistive technologies are based on software that can be controlled using only our eye-gaze.
Other special devices use the motor capabilities that were not affected (e.g. movements of the head, the mouth) so that with their help the control of a computer mouse is possible.

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