Evgeniya Hristova, PhD
Co-Founder, Member of the Governing board
- Co-Founder, Member of the Governing board
- Co-Founder, Governing Board
- jenihristova@gmail.com
Co-founder of “ASSIST – Assistive Technologies” foundation.
PhD in Psychology.
Evgeniya Hristova is an assistant professor at the Department of Cognitive Science and Psychology, New Bulgarian University; a researcher at the Research Center for Cognitive Sciene, New Bulgarian University.
Evgeniya Hristova is actively doing research in the fields of moral psychology, game theory and decision-making, augmentative and alternative communication for children and adults with disabilities. In her research she combines psychological experiments, eye-tracking recordings, and psychophysiological measures.
Evgenia Hristova is an expert in eye-tracking, eye-controlled assistive technologies and AAC software.
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